Crochet Hook Storage Ideas

Here are a few great ideas for storing your crochet hooks!

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If you’re like me you have a lot of hooks and they tend to go everywhere! In the couch, random drawers…. I usually throw mine in this basket. It works okay but it’s not the best situation. Especially when I need to find that one favorite K hook of mine!

I’ve come up with a few ideas to help organize this mess and maybe save some precious crochet time by not having to hunt for everything.

Pencil Pouches

I’ve found pencil pouches work best for me but I can’t fit all my hooks in one. At least not in any organized fashion so I’ve decided to separate my hooks into a few categories.

I bought these cute little pencil pouches from Amazon thinking the Squid (my daughter) could use them for school. They came in a pack of 3 and they’re really cute BUT they were too small for actual pencils. Good news is they fit crochet hooks perfectly!

In one pouch I put my least expensive hooks. These are from a set I got from Knit Picks (they were a great buy!). I like them but I usually save them for travel. Because they were so cheap, I wouldn’t feel heartbroken if they got lost.

I also reserved another pouch to throw hooks in that I’m using for my current project and a ruler with a yarn cutter. That way I can throw this in my bag or keep it at my workspace (the couch).

I also decided to search Amazon for another pencil pouch. This one is a bit nicer and I like the front opens so it makes it easier to see in and find what I need.

I threw all my “nicer” hooks in this pouch. It’s nice because the Furls Candy Shop Hooks (my favorite!) fit in the elastic holder in the front flap. Some of those tend to be too small for these fatter hooks. It also has two little pockets inside for scissors and a tape measure. The other reason I picked this one is because I really liked the handle on the side. I don’t know why but that felt important to me when I was looking for a new bag, haha. It is nice though because I could also take all the hooks out and add a one ball project to work on out of the house and use the wrist strap.


Sometimes I just feel like looking at my hooks. Don’t you!? I have a lot of beautiful hooks and I feel like they shouldn’t always be tucked away. So another idea I had was to display some hooks in a simple glass cup/vase. I found this one at the dollar store. It’s so simple but I love this!

Lastly, my mother in law gave me this beautiful hook display from Chetnanigans. My hooks from Knit Picks look so cute in it! It’s also super easy to find what you need when you need it!

I like it, I just wish it fit my Furls hooks. Luckily, They also have some beautiful display stands.